Saturday, October 29, 2011


  I told you something else would come up about Meghan.  Yesterday, she seemed anxious and was argumentative with me.  She had her hands clenched and I "caught" her getting into my purse for my Burt's Bee's Natural Hand Sanitizer a few times.  I thought she was avoiding the new couch, but she did sit on it last evening. The day before, Thursday, she was feisty and loud and wanted to do things only her way.  Not in a disobedient way, but she wouldn't follow any adult suggestions from me or her Scrapbook Class teacher.  She also got "tested" for homeopathic balance, and couldn't seem to sit still for that.  She is getting much closer to being balanced, though.  We were told it still showed some anxiety issues, so maybe she was sub-consciously living that out Friday.  Tonight, we are going to a friend's house for Bible study, and Harley will be spending the night with Meghan afterwards.  I'm thinking Meghan may show signs of being overwhelmed around Sunday night after all of this being involved with people coming up in the next 48 or so hours.  
  I ordered the missing LIFEPACS for Meghan's Language Arts and I want to get Rachel more intensely involved in her own Language Arts; she is working in a grammar book, but she has a composition book which we have only opened a few times this year.  She is also doing a Total Language Plus study guide on Amos Fortune, Free Man.  I am still liking Saxon for math and we are still reading the book about Harriet Tubman's girlhood.  I need to do some prepping for Rachel's LIFEPAC 702 for Science.
  I would like to add photos to this blog at some point, to make it more interesting; I love reading other's blogs that have photos.
  Grocery shopping is definitely on the agenda for the girls and I today.  Aldi and Kroger, here we come!

Monday, October 24, 2011

  Meghan's halloween party went well; cupcakes, bingo, and playing outside.  Judy and Harley attended.  Meghan ended up spending the night with Harley.  Sunday was a big day for Meghan:  waking up in someone else's home, going to Bible class and worship, doing puppets, another Bible class and then out to dinner with Harley and her mom and brother.  When it came time for bed, she was overwhelmed and asked me to lie down with her for a long time.  I think I'm finally figuring her out.  But I don't want to get too confident in that area, because sure enough, something else will be thrown at me.
  Right now, Meghan is working on review math problems and Rachel is correcting math and grammar.  Meghan will have a therapy appointment later and I want to go to Trader Joe's while we are in that area.  Maybe Gregory will go with us.
  I will have a teenage daughter Thursday.  Rachel wants to have her ears pierced for her birthday and she is having a sleepover on November 4th.
  Even though the last three months or so have been trying and confusing for me, God is always good and I can still say He has blessed me more than I deserve.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


 We are now using BEAUTIFUL FEET for history, Rachel is staying in LIFEPAC for science, and Meghan has moved to Science for Christian Schools (it seemed to me she was seeking what the creationism aspect of this curriculum had to offer).  Math is still Saxon, Meghan is back to LIFEPAC for language arts, and Rachel is doing a grammar workbook at the moment for language arts.

We loved our vacation in Gatlinburg and Kentucky and want to go back already!  Maybe even live there someday?

Meghan had her fifth guitar lesson today and she is excelling!  This is something she really likes doing and is sticking with.  I am impressed.